Anyone do puerh tea club?
I know YS offers one. Are there any that offer ONLY Shou? Or are most of them mixed?
I don’t think there are any ripe only puerh clubs. The closest thing to that may be Yunnan Sourcing’s Dark Tea club whici includes black teas, dark oolongs and hei cha too.
Yeah. The black I can do without. Not a black tea fan. Is that racist?
maybe you can split with someone who likes black? or sell/swap it out. but for shou i think you get a better deal with the mixed puerh and find someone to take the shengs…if you really want a club.
I don’t DISLIKE Sheng, but the Sheng “Puer starter” from W2T is what I’m drinking now and it’s just a little more funky than I’m used to. I’m trying to like it however. I’m still drinking it. Lol b
You might find the sheng in a puerh tea club from Yunnan Sourcing or White2Tea to be better than the Puer Starter set from White2Tea.
maybe it would taste better after it ages? what does Paul say? you dont have to finish them all right away, right?
You are right. I don’t. And I’m DEFINITELY not getting rid of them. I’m gonna put them away for a while and age them a bit.
I’m gonna try the “just Puer” club at YS. Can’t hurt. Spoke with Scott at YS and he said same as you AllanK.
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