Thank you, LP, for your kindness and generosity and for being so inclusive of us here in the tea community in Canada.
Likely there is a backlog in the post resulting from post-strike talk chaos. I am guessing. Who knows.
I’ve had things coming from Vancouver take two weeks to get here, so there’s probably no need to worry just yet.
Well I am going to assume the box is gone. As far as I am aware, it has not yet been received by Sir Turtle and it was sent via Canada Post almost 3 weeks ago. I don’t think there was a tracking number, Sir Turtle doesn’t have one and Jillian didn’t respond to my question about that.
So. I am going to send Box 1 to Evol Ving Ness who has offered to take over the TTB. And then she can decide when/how the next round will run.
Thanks everyone for the previous 5 rounds I organized.
thanks for keeping this going for so long lala!
Thanks Lala for doing the GCTTB. I enjoyed it for one year and it was fun. I’m glad Evol Ving Ness is going to keep it going.
Thank you Lala for all your hard work. It’s been a while since I participated but it was certainly fun while I did and I really appreciate all you did :)
FIVE ROUNDS! Wow! Bravo, Lala, and thank you!
Canadian tea peeps,
Please respond on this thread if you are interested in participating in further Canadian TTB rounds AND how many times a year you would prefer that the box do a go-round. (Things change, of course, but it’d be good to have an idea of who is in and to which extent.)
I would but only once a year.
I’d be interested in participating again; once or twice a year would be find but certainly not more than that for myself.
I would definitely participate, but also prolly only once per year, maybe twice if there were enough people interested.
I would be interested in getting back involved. Like others, I think once or twice a year is a good.
I was thinking of setting this one in motion in November because winter teas and cocooning. The Christmas season might be a bit of a challenge though with lineups at the post office, people being away or crazy busy, and the box may get stuck in the post surge, so probably it would be best to ship it off just after Boxing Day. Thoughts?
I think the holidays get to be hectic so I would either start earlier (with the understanding that whoever gets it around the holidays may need some extra time with the box) or after boxing day/New Years seems fair
I would do it once or twice a year. After Boxing Day sounds like a good plan
Id love to be a part of this, i could do it twice a year for sure :)
Yeah once a year would be good for me
Once or twice a year sounds good to me.
Including new signups like moi?
Yes, why not! I think the rule is a substantial history on steepster, a minimum of approximately a hundred reviews or some such. I suspect by the time the next box rolls around, you’ll be ready to roll.
Well then sign me up. I think three or four times a year would be nice.
Update: The teabox has landed!
Yay! I’m back in Vancouver now, so we can meet up once you’re finished with the box if you like.
I just joined. Please keep me in mind for the next GCTTB!
For new participants, please keep in mind the following: The rule is a substantial history on steepster, a minimum of approximately a hundred reviews.
Can anyone that is interested in the next box or who is currently involved in box 5.2 please follow Evol Ving Ness as she is now in charge. That way PMs can be had. Thanks!
Hello! Just updating to say the tea box has now been handed off to me!
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