Nedward said

Identify antique teapot?


This teapot belonged to my great grandmother and I would like to know more about it. Any ideas as to how old it is or where it was made? It is a reddish brown clay with an opalescent white glaze and gold painted accents but has no makers mark. My great grandmother emigrated from Romania around 1900 and may have brought it with her if it is older than that. Thanks in advance for any help!

1 Reply
Cwyn said

Probably Romanian, teapots have been made there, and are somewhat similar in style. The bulb style base is a Turkish influence, if you look at Turkish teapots. This red clay one is definitely a folk style, people of more means would have bought either porcelain or silver. Could have been turn of the century, the brown glaze with gold decoration became more common in the 1930s and early 1940s.

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