Total NEWB!
Hey guys! Im total newb to the tea scene. My experience of teas are of the Southern sweet variety…Lipton or Tetley sweetened and over ice. Now, I am older and want to try something different. I have had some teas from Teavana that were pretty good hot as well as over ice. I don’t tend to sweeten it anymore for health reasons, but some of those blends are naturally sweet and I liked them.
Now that I have gotten the Teavana disclaimer out of the way, Im looking for suggestions for someone starting out. What should I try? What should I buy? Im completely new to this, but have tried a pure that I have liked at Teavana…maybe I should start there? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
Welcome to the world of tea! Do you prefer flavored, blends (mix of teas and flavors), or natural (pure or just the tea) brews?
I guess right now, I prefer the flavored] blends. They mixed me up a sample bag of a blend at teavana tl brew at home and I brewed that thing so many times I couldn’t squeeze anymore out of it. LOL. I got probably 10, 16 oz cups (with ice) out of it. I use the teavana brew cup thing to brew it and any other team I try for now. Really prefer the flavored teas over ice with no added sweetness, bt the tea that is naturally sweet. Am I making sense? LOL
Let me just say: Joining Steepster is one of the best moves you could ever make :)
You should check out the Stash Sale thread here. People are quite generous with mystery bags, random assortments, or just hooking other people up.
While I’m commenting, if you’d like some tea just let me know :)
I have a whole swap box setup with like 70 different things in it that I just grab and send to people.
Absolutely would love some tea. What would yu charge me for a “grab bag”? A mystery selection that yu pick specificallyfor the newb?
$15 and I flood you with 10 to 12 ounces, $10 for your choice on 6ounces, or a free package of whatever I choose
Welcome. For flavored blends that are affordable and come in sample sizes, try Upton Tea and Harney & Sons. Both available online and H&S is sometimes at Target and other similar stores.
Welcome Allen! You can try Davids tea, Lupicia for flavored. Davids tea you can buy samples as low as 10g in their store. no pressure like in Teavana.
I just discovered Davids Tea online tonight. I don’t think they have one here in Atlanta.
Yeah, unfortunately they’re a Canadian-based company. There’s (I believe) a few Davids’ in the US near the border, though. They’re branching. Their online store still carries everything, but has a minimum of 50 grams.
Hi Allen, old lady tea drinker saying Welcome! Am hoping you’ll have time to check out a few of our member blogs who cover some very unique teas and have mouth-watering photos.
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