What is this porcelain pattern called?
Hi all,
I have some bowls/tasting cups in the blue and white pattern shown in this photo: https://instagram.com/p/6suh-LRIXn/
Does anyone know if there’s a name for this pattern?
You can’t quite see it from this photo, but the sides of the bowls feature small indentations that form a hexagonal pattern, and when you hold them up to the light, the indentations are translucent.
I’d love to find a matching gaiwan but that sounds like finding a needle in a haystack. Any suggestions?
Ooh I know this! Rice pattern!!
As for matching gaiwan http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CF08U0
It is one of my favorite patterns, you can get it sometimes with red accents and gold as well. I have a set from the 80s that is like that.
I thought it might be, since I was having some success with that search term on eBay. However, I thought that “rice pattern” referred to when there were sealed holes you could see through.
As for that Amazon link: thanks! I’m going to look at it in more detail.
http://www.gotheborg.com/glossary/ricegrain.shtml here is a lot of really useful info on Rice Pattern. The newer transparent stuff is a new take on an old idea, it is fantastic but I find I am partial to the older look of translucency
BTW, I checked Amazon and it would cost over $20 to ship to Canada. I’m going to see if I can find one on Aliexpress or something.
WHOA that is expensive! Good luck!! If you find one in the classic style let me know, so far that has been the only one I have found and it is a pair of them…and I kinda only need the one ;)
Christina you may be in luck if you don’t mind a bigger one. I bought mine in China Town. It’s 200ml I think and cost under 8$. https://instagram.com/p/0dILWWmK57/
If they still have some at that store which services restaurants Tap phong ??? It will cost you 3.99. If not they had some in the large two story housewares shop which I think is the last China store shop on the left side on Spadina. They charge around 7.99 for their Gaiwans ( cash only). This is in Toronto
Ooh, cool. So one store is called Tap Phong? Do you remember what that store on Spadina is called?
verdant calls it a glass window cup http://verdanttea.com/teas/glass-window-bowl-cup/
Rice pattern is definitely the most common name for this style. However, as others have pointed out in this thread, rice pattern is most often created as an effect of the thickness of the porcelain, rather than incorporating glass itself into the porcelain. For example, you’ll poke holes of a certain shape in the unfired porcelain after throwing the piece; then, you’ll dip the piece in porcelain again (effectively, as a glaze). This covers the holes, and once fired, they appear as little opaque / clouded / frosted windows because of the difference in thickness.
I though for a moment about naming ID’ing the cups as rice pattern, but that would ultimately be misleading and incorrect, as it wasn’t created with the above technique, and actually incorporates glass into the piece rather than porcelain alone.
At first, I thought Christina was asking about the blue and white painted pattern, and was about to call out “That’s Emperor Qianlong’s dragon!” but then I realized that I was focusing on the wrong thing :-p
Honestly, this “rice” pattern is most commonly seen in dining wares instead of tea wares. It was popular in the 90s and early 2000. I don’t actually see this pattern so often now. As for glass window cup, the pattern name is Ling Long. These are two different patterns and made with different techniques.
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