cookies said

Mystery Tea Sample/TTB Game?

So, in addition to my mild (ahem) obsession with tea, I am also a bit of a pen/ink/stationery geek, and frequent a few related forums. On one of those forums I came across an interesting little game put on by one of the participants. She sends out a mystery ink sample to a few people who then test the ink and guess what it could be. Simple, right! My first thought, of course, was would’t that be an awesome thing to try with tea? I’m wondering if there’s some interest in giving something similar a go. Or perhaps a whole (small) TTB of mystery samples? Any thoughts?

Link to one of the posts

10 Replies
sren said

That could be fun— samples could be labeled with contributor’s name, and participants could message their guesses so as not to give away answers. And of course add new mystery samples!

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This would be great, but the implementation is what would make/break it.

A TTB would mean that it would get to people slowly… and having say 10 participates send in 2 ounces to send out to 9 other people who will receive mystery tea from everyone else would end up meaning a lot of work for whoever will put all the boxes together to send them out. Also, there would be quite bit of shipping cost associated with it.

I suppose another option would be to have a donation for it and whoever uptakes the responsibility would purchase/host the teas and then ship them out.

I’m interested though because this sounds sweet. Also, I think the guy over at Liquid Proust Teas would be up to making something special for this.

cookies said

The biggest difference to me would be shipping. With a TTB shipping would be very pricey and I doubt anyone would be willing to ship internationally. But if I did it like the Mystery Ink and just send out samples to a dozen or so people every round, I should ship them anywhere. Perhaps I’ll give it a go that way, and if people enjoy it we can do a round or two as a TTB.

sren said

Or each round could be that one participant sends out a mystery sample to every other participant. So for example, 8 participants would = 8 rounds. I would be totally into this! Great idea, cookies!

sren is 100% correct. It would be best to have a private Google doc that has everyone’s address and then bi-monthly someone sends a sample to each one of them and we all play: What poison tea did I just drink???

This would be quite enjoyable :)
Now for the sign-ups, right?

cookies said

That’s a great idea, sren. Much better than a TTB.
It’s still terribly hot here and I hate the idea of tea sitting around in the back of a 100º truck so maybe we could hold off for a month or so and then gauge interest?

sren said

Sounds like a great idea!

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I woke up this morning after dreaming about this (yes I’m that weird) and decided that I must not allow it to die!!!

As I bump this hard, please please please if you are interested post on here. I really would love for this happen. I can cover two months a year and back down to one if we have enough people.

cookies said

Not dead, just waiting for cooler weather. Seems like we had our last 90+ day here so soonish?

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Kayla select said

Thank your for bumping this thread Liquid Proust this sounds like fun!

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