Tea to share for shipping cost only - CLOSED
I need to do a cupboard cleanse. Some flavored teas are going to be getting old and I know I won’t get them finished before they are too old. Some are teas that I don’t care for. Some are just things that I have a lot of and while I like them, I know I have too many teas. :) The teas are free, I just ask for shipping costs to be reimbursed to me through Paypal.
-See next page of posts for latest cupboard list -
Green highlights are things I’m wanting to say goodbye to in whole or in part. No choosing amounts though. :) I will send you whatever I am willing to part with or if more than one person wants some, you may get only a sample size. If you see something you want to try and it isn’t highlighted, feel free to ask – I can probably get you a sample size at the least. :)
PM me with what you want and feel free to ask questions here or in a PM. Also,
let me know if you want a tin if I have one (mainly the Kusmi teas) or if you want to go with minimum shipping cost. No shipping (US) will be more than $10 without a tin, I’ll make sure of that. Canada shipping is more uncertain.
No way you put Flowery Pineapple Oolong in this…
I did. I love it like no other pineapple tea but I don’t want it to lose its punch and not be enjoyed by anyone. I know with all the teas I have I won’t get to it quickly enough. I’m not getting rid of all of what I have by any means, but it deserves to be tasted when still awesome. :)
If you’re up for a swap let me know :)
I’m in the same situation with roughly 98723894732984732 teas right now.
Interested in these!
Golden Strand Black Tea – Mandala
Morning Sun – Mandala
Pure Buds Black – Mandala
Milk Oolong – Mandala
Black Beauty – Mandala
Minted Monkey – Tippys
Not So Vanilla – Tippys
The People’s Tea – Tippys
If you like, I’d be happy to send you whatever you are interested in from my swap thread (which I am updating very soon).
I would love any samples from Mandala, Nannuoshan, and Yunnan Sourcing. Will pay whatever ridiculous amount it costs to ship to Canada. :p
oh please share me your earl greys and creams!
also some of these
Yunnan Sourcing
Lov Organic Blueberry Coconut
Persian Gold Iranian Black
Peach Apricot White
Phoenix Dan Cong Honey Orchid Oolong
Black Pearl
Honey Jade Oolong
Supreme Sweet Yellow
Misty Mountain Oolong 2014 Winter
Pear Mountain Premium 2014 Winter
What cha Nepal 1st flushes
Thank you Nicole!!! :)
Hi! I’m interested in these.
Blueberry Coconut
Key Lime Ceylon
Coconut Oolong
Thank you!!
In interested in these teas:
Butiki Flowery Pineapple Oolong and Lemon French Macaron
Harney and Sons Florence
Hello! What do you have left for Harney & Sons, Kusmi Tea and Le palais des thés?
Hi, Patricia!
Harney that I’m not hoarding:
Palm Court
Anniversary Blend
Sungma Darjeeling
Vanilla Comoro
Kaimosi CTC
Russian Morning No. 24
Assam GFOP
Kashmir Tchai
Strawberry Green (bagged)
Palais de Thes:
Will send sample of Lavender Oolong if desired but otherwise I’m down to levels I want to keep.
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