Running a tea survey, each respondent gets entered to win an EXCLUSIVE Prize Pack :)
Hi fellow Steepsters,
Our company is running a survey and we would love your feedback!
Each respondent gets entered to win an Exclusive Prize Pack (1st Edition T-shirt, Preorder of Armando’s Original Blend, Flavor Samples + Stickers & Pins).
PLUS there are four other secondary winners who also gets tea and swag :)
Please take 5min to fill it out and we’ll announce the winners by the end of next week :D
Max @ Wize Monkey
If I wake up alone on a body of land surrounded by water, I’m pretty sure I just need a ball… worked for Chuck Noland.
Filled it out. Also, who WOULDN’T want to be stuck on an island with Chuck Norris? Dad jokes or not :-p
I filled out the survey. I tried to leave the diet question blank rather than lie because gluten free was not an option. The survey would not take leaving it blank for an answer.
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