Feedback, please!
I am looking to optimize my blog as much as possible and am hoping to get feedback from everyone and maybe a few followers and/or subscribeers if people like it.
I want to know what you would like to see in the blog!! I am posting reviews (teas, tumblers, sweeteners) and a few things here and there about life/fashion. But, I am hoping to make it something that has what you’re looking for, if I can! Thoughts? :)
IG @juliejonesme
Overall, I like it. It’s a minimalist yet pretty blog. It’s responsive and mobile friendly, which is necessary in today’s world.
I think my biggest hiccup with it is that there’s not an easy way to get to all of the tea reviews. Right now, you have to go into a tea review post, scroll to the bottom, then click on the appropriate tag. If tea(ware) reviews are going to be one of your big selling points, you might consider adding a Reviews link at the top. I also suggest being a little more consistent with your tagging schema. Oh! Get thyself a favicon. To me, it’s one of those things that you don’t notice when it’s there but you definitely notice when it’s not.
Thank you! I’m getting a new laptop soon and I’ll make additional changes (tagging, etc). I’m glad you went back and liked it! :)
I started reading your blog and just kept going. It is very compelling, plenty for a tea girl to love here. It has some personal parts but not overly much and the tone is positive which really helps. I find that many people who drink tea have various issues to deal with and appreciate a blog that is positive and gives a little lift to the day.
I would suggest developing your avatar. You write nearly every day which is one of the most promising qualities of a successful writer, cuz writing is a craft and you already have the natural discipline. I don’t know if Julie Jones is a real name, or if it is a Bridget Jones reference or some such. Whether Julie is you or Your creation, since Julie Jones is the dot com address, we want her to stand out in every way! Who knows, she might be a novel or a movie someday.
I’m glad it wasn’t an over share! I wanted to put a couple of things here and there about myself, but know that tea is the real draw and what I like talking about. I’m still learning, so I hope it will be like a “walk holding hands” for anyone else who is, also! Lol
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