Sample them ALL??
I’m looking for a sample box that has a ton of tea! Something where I can sample everything except blends and flavors. Has anyone seen anything like that?
I think Yunnan Sourcing has one of the bigger tea of the month samplers and you can choose what tea type you want (pu’er, oolongs etc).
If you can wait about 2 weeks, I can hook you up with one of my unflavored mystery boxes and send you a big range. I just need time to reorganize all the teas I got from World Tea Expo. Shoot me an email, [email protected]
It looks like a great club!I think I just wanted to pay around 200 and get a sample of everything, though. If I can’t find what I’m looking g for, I might try that, though!! :)
I can wait, no problem! I’ll email you somewhere in the next few days! :D
There is a thread for people who are selling part of their stash:
I don’t know if Momo has anything left, but I thought I got a very good deal from her 3 months ago. Good quality, quantity, and variety.
Teabox sells massive sets.
Also: I can sell you a sampler of Japanese teas for a great price if you’re interested. (I have been in Tokyo for two months and come back this week)
There is also: as well
How much for an ounce of everything you are trying to get rid of? I only like true teas, no blends or flavors. I would LOVE the stuff you bought in Japan and some of the Puerh cake!
I’m doing an experimental selling currently…
I have quite a bit of non flavored teas from multiple countries (mainly Japan)
If you follow me you can private message me which ones interest you or I can just throw a box together. You chose the price and I’ll fill it up with non flavored teas.
I can think of over 30 off of the top of my head… I have quite a bit. I mainly have oolongs and greens. I do have some darker teas like aged oolongs, pu’erhs, black tieguanyin, black pearls, and some other random teas.
Also, do you include matcha sencha or genmaicha as flavored?
Matcha sencha and genmaicha are great. :) The darker and random teas are perfect and I would love some good oolong! I still have some greens, but if you have some amazing ones, I would love to try them!
Awesome. I have multiple kinds of Japanese teas from 2015 first harvested sencha to gyokuro buds. Oolongs are my favorite (I have around 50 types). Just shoot me a private message when you determine what you would find to be acceptable for payment. I will also be giving you the Teabox green teas I have from 2014 as well.
I’m selling a bunch of my teas! My post is in link that Dr Jim posted; it’s on the last page currently. Let me know if you’d like a sample box. I can make an extra large one for you if you’d like to sample even more than 4 ounces of tea and customize it based on your preferences. :) I have more than 300 different teas and I definitely cannot drink them all before they stale!
How much for an ounce of all the true teas you are getting rid of? I don’t like flavored or bleneed teas.
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