Looking for feedback, willing to give free samples
Hello fellow tea lovers,
I am starting a brand new type of tea and I would like to hear your feedback! Check out my kickstarter campaign at:
Find out more information about my tea and contact me with any suggestions you may have. I will give anyone that gives suggestions an opportunity to be the first to try this tea with a free tea sample (no shipping cost required). Please tell friends and family about this, I would like to share my tea with as many people as possible even if I have to give it away for free!
Hi Will, I checked out the Kickstarter. It looks like the video is truncated. For me it showed the first two flavors, a brief view of a green mint one, then ended. Looks interesting though! What are the other flavors?
Edit, I found the flavors on your site. I tried requesting a sample through the site but the form wouldn’t work. It kept saying to fix the highlighted fields, but there weren’t any (and everything was filled out).
The site isn’t 100% operational yet. It will work once the kickstarter campaign has ended. I am happy to send out samples to you however. Email me at [email protected] with your information and I will put you on the list to receive samples along with the other backers.
In the video, it seemed that the whole “mocking the process”of making tea took too long. Nothing wrong with what you were trying to show but it distracts/interrupts the message you are sending. Spend more time showing the quick and easiness of your tea. Also, you forgot to mention putting water in the tumbler for the ice tea :p
I agree with carol who. I watched the video earlier in the week and did back you, but I would have liked to have seen more about your tea.
I think some info about sourcing and technique—how the tea is processed into powder form— would be great! I think the iced tea on-the-go angle is good.
Building on carol who’s point, much of your audience/market may not use bags at all in tea prep. I would lose that part of the segment and focus on your product.
I’d be interested in all your opinions on the tea itself. Please email me with what flavors you’d like to try and your address and I’ll send some out. I’d like to establish a focus group of you guys that are passionate about tea. That way I can improve the product before launch if neccesary. Thank you!
I appreciate the feedback, and thank you for the backing Nichole. If anyone would like more information, feel free to email me at [email protected]. I’d be happy to answer any questions that weren’t covered in the video.
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