Group Buy: 2014 Fermented Summer Bancha
Hey all!
This is a fun one. We’re switching it up a bit this week and going for a really unusual tea. It surprised me enough to make me laugh when I tried it, so I figured it’s worth trying for a batch …
Now there’s a tea I’ve been meaning to try for a long time, but never got around too!
I might have to join in on some if I can get the opportunity! :)
Cool! Well, there’s plenty available — we have to hit 150 grams to make the group buy work out, and if we go beyond that we can start getting some discounts.
If you reserve some of the tea, we won’t charge you anything until the group buy wraps up successfully. Kinda like Kickstarter, but for tea. :)
Yeah, I’m aware how it works and love the idea. It’s my bank balance I’m worried about. >=(
If I get my pay soon I’ll be sure to chip in, even if it’s just a sample. Need to check this off my bucketlist! :D
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