Herbal tea for hepatitis any suggestion how to develop my product

My herbal tea remedy, which has been a renowned specialty within my family for over 120 years, is a powerful and effective liver detox which provide a wealth of restorative properties. Within my country of Serbia, my family has been sought out for this remedy not only because it counteracts hepatitis A and B, but also slows the infection of hepatitis C. Furthermore, it has been show facilitate the repair of damaged cells, act as an anti-inflammatory, and even serve as an appetite stimulant for post-surgery patients. My herbal tea is completely natural and additive free. When taken with the right instruction, dosage and time frame, its effectiveness has stunned health professionals in my country for years. When I immigrated to the United States, I found that there was a large market for liver detox supplements. Because of the potency and low overhead of my herbal remedy, I really believe my product can make a difference in the lives of individuals suffering from a range of liver and health problems.
As it is extremely difficult to market and produce this product alone, I am reaching out to any groups, individuals or investors who would be interested in either collaborating with me as a partner on this product, or maybe even connecting me with someone in the industry who might be willing to work with me further. I want to move forward and create the simple solution of selling my product in tea bags in retail stores where it would be readily available to customers. I understand that due to FDA regulations, I would not be able to label my product as a treatment for hepatitis, but instead perhaps as a liver detox, due to its potent cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.
So far this product has never been tested in clinical trials, so in order for it to be prepared for the market, my first step is to establish an evidence base for its effectiveness.
Any ideas, suggestions or directions would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, family Milenovic

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