Adagio Sample Tins
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed yet, but Adagio seems to have dropped its sample tin option. Only the most popular teas still have the sampler set. I don’t really see a point in buying a 3oz bag of one tea when I could have previously purchased small tins and gifted them to friends so that they would have more variety. It seems like a bad decision for Adagio since so many experiment with their own blends. And now I can’t even sample my future blends to tweak the ratio without having to buy large amounts of it. What do you guys think of the change? Is it a step forward or a step back?
I actually emailed them about this yesterday. They said they were out of sample tins right now and when they get more in stock they would be back on the website. . if they completely remove them, I think its a step back.
Def. a step back if they remove them all together! I liked them as I too like to do my own blending now and again.
Thanks for letting me know. I’ll have to put off buying them as a gift, then, but I guess I they should be back in about a month.
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