The box arrived today! Looking forward to sampling lots of yummy-looking matcha. :)
The box is now on its way to TheLastDodo. Thanks for letting me participate, skysamurai…I really enjoyed this one!
Just got the box today! Wowza, it smells like heaven! I will be packaging it out to send off to Liquid Proust before my trip, can’t wait to dive in to them all!
I’m about to travel for a month and my name is coming up on the list. Will whoever is ahead of me check to make sure I’m back home before sending it? I’d hate to have the box sitting at my po box for a few weeks and delay it for the next person!
I had no idea this was even coming yet, but it is here :)
I have around 3 pounds of powdered teas from Japan that I got for this box, but looking at the list after me that might be too much…
I will have the spreadsheet updated within 48 hours and get it shipped out to the next person :)
This is what I am adding to the box:
Everything but the white tea powder was purchased while I was in Tokyo.
A few identifiers:
The yellow fruit packets are Yuzu Sencha
The little packets on the left are
They are strong!
2015 Shincha (double wrapped for freshness, you’ll see)
Also, I really like using the same box and taping over everyone’s shipping labels :)
It just looks so awesome to look at all the labels and see where this guy/gal has been.
Any updates on the box? Sorry I’ve been kinda awol. Been gettin ready for possible new job. Proust thank u for adding so much!
Sorry, I got the box Friday. I just have been in and out this weekend. I noticed that Dustin is next on the list and just posted about going away for a month. Should I just skip?
No worries. I’m assuming we will skip Dustin but do u want to message just in case if no reaponse in a couple of days we’ll just go next on list.
Dustin if you see this, follow me back so we can talk about sending the box to you if you’re able to take it.
Otherwise, Zach S., please follow me so I can send it to you next.
Yeah, looks like I’m going to have to skip this round. :( I’d love to be considered for the next round if it makes another go!
Definitely! We will do it just for you!!
Zach S., I still need you to follow me so we can get the box moving. thanks :)
Is anyone else following Zach S. that can message him?
I am, but I also might have his email address; I’ll check in a bit.
Edit Actually, I don’t :/ but I’ll shoot him a message to follow kieblera5
Hey guys, I’m going to be away from home till July 2nd… is this box planning to be sent to me before then?
skysamurai, this is your call.. Zack is last on the list. I don’t mind sending it out next week if that’s best.
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