Decaf Teas- Greens and Bagged Tea Preferred
Ok, so this totally isn’t for me. But my boss’s birthday is coming up, and she likes tea, but due to a heart condition can’t drink most teas anymore bc of the caffeine. So she drinks Biglow decaf green bagged tea… I’d like to find her a more premium decaf tea.
1) She uses bagged teas, so loose leaf would be less optimal
2) She likes green tea best, herbals and black next. I think she likes flavored teas, since that is what normally serves us at work.
3) I think she’d enjoy something fancy and french. This is a weak preference, but nice presentation is a bonus.
4) Please keep it less than $20, I am a broke college student.
Any ideas? I was looking at lupercia, but saw they didn’t do their decaf in bags… This is just so out of my tea drinking territory. I’m a loose leaf, gaiwan using, unflavored tea girl. And just getting her something to handle loose leaf isn’t going to work… she just doesn’t do it. She has given me infusers before, so she knows what they are lol.
I believe that Lupicia has a selection of bagged decaf tea and their bagged teas are the same quality as their loose leaf.
You could try this decaf green from Silk Road Teas, it comes in sachets.
I’ve never had it myself but I’ve been curious about it as they have a lot of good teas.
Republic of tea has cute tins, and they are cheap and easily accessible:
Kusmi does all of their blends in really nice muslin bags:
Sand, there is TeaForte, who does fancier pyramid bags, but higher in price:
Good luck!
From one college student to another: If you have a Whole Foods next to you it would be well worth the trip to pick up a tin or two of Republic of Tea’s decaf green line for $10.99 each and not worry about any sort of shipping cost or wait time.
Those teas include:
Pomegranate, Wild Berry Plum, Acai, and Ginger Peach
P.S. I would also recommend Rishi’s blueberry rooibos- if you brew it cold it removes the woodsy taste that rooibos has and ends up brewing a sweet blueberry tea that is caffeine free.
Harney & Sons has an affordable line of sachet teas. I’m drinking the decaf vanilla comoro right now and it’s pretty decent. Check Target if you have one nearby, or you can get free shipping if you’ve got Amazon Prime:
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