Looking for guayusa similar to Butiki's

I was only able to purchase 3 of Butiki’s guayusa teas mixed with fruit, but one was enough to be hooked. I’ve tried Runa and it’s not what I’m looking for. Does anyone know where I might locate something similar?

5 Replies

Sadly, Butiki had the best guayusa blends. I can’t really think of any to compare them to.

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Zephyr select said

I have tried a couple of the Runa guayusa blends and they were pretty good. I know stash tea has some too but I have never tried them.

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Butiki’s teas had this elegance to them though… I have tried Runa and it’s more of a mass produced tasting tea. Butiki had a fine taste as if someone poured love into it and I am looking for a guayusa that is similar- which I can do with mate but not guayusa.

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Uniquity said

My husband is in love with Jungle Juju from Davids, but I think it has mate rather than guayusa. I also don’t like it and find it way too sweet, but it’s an option.

52Teas used to have a lemon guayusa blend that was really good, but of course that’s gone too.

Oh those two are good too. I also just remembered Fusionteas.com has a ton of nice yerba mate blends. I know you’re looking for guayusa, but I can’t really tell the difference between guayusa and green yerba mate. The one guayusa blend they have is pretty good: the Amazon spice.

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