Hollie said

Favorite/Best Tea Brands

Sorry if there is already a thread like this, I scanned a couple pages but didn’t see one.

So far my introduction into tea has mainly included David’s Tea, Teavana, Silk Road, and a couple local places. But I’ve been wanting to branch out and try other brands, which got me to wondering what brands other people like and dislike and why.

9 Replies
awilsondc said

Different tea manufacturers often focus on different types of tea so… what kind of tea do you like? I’m sure you’ll get plenty of good suggestions out of the group here.

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AllanK said

One of my favorites for both value and quality is Simpson and Vail at www.svtea.com.

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Nattie said

There is a thread somewhere about which companies people would stick to if they were limited for the rest of their lives. You might find it interesting – a lot of different suggestions, and many people explain their answers and why they chose the companies they did.

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My go to brand is Mountain Rose Herbs. They are organic, high quality and reasonably priced.

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Amoda said

Hi Hollie,

Are you looking for flavoured teas? Or, are you moving into pure teas? Exploring varietals? What are you after? That can help us guide you.

You might find our website helpful as you explore new brands. We’re curators, so you can find and shop many different brands on our website and have them shipped from one location. These are a selection of the best-tasting teas from a variety of North American tea brands. Let me know if you have any questions.

Steepster’s the right place to be to get your particular question answered.

Good luck!


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Amoda said

I’ll also add… I know there’s an incredible number of threads on Steepster, but there are definitely existing discussions that will help you. You might have to dig a bit deeper though.

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Hollie said

Thanks everyone! I’ll definitely take another look through existing threads :) I’m interested in branching out into more straight teas, although I always like flavoured teas.

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Search for “for the rest of your life” and “you knew it was coming” and you will find the threads.

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Twinings. ;)

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