I hear Toronto has an incredible Chinatown for tea but there are people on Steepster who know much more than me.
Check out this thread. http://steepster.com/discuss/9643-tea-in-toronto?post_id=155612
Chinatown has some great teaware and there can be decent tea at some of the apothecaries including puerh if you ask.
If you like Oolong’s this place is supposed to be good. I keep meaning to go there.
Sanhe Kungfu Teashop
This place doesn’t have a store front but you can arrange for free pick up in Toronto. http://www.tanlongtea.com/ Capital tea Ltd has cheap shipping as well and teas arrive usually within three days in the GTA.
If you like Mariage Frères you can get them at Balzac’s ( a coffee shop) or Pink Tartan ( a clothing shop), both have a limited selection.
Been to San he. Teas are kept in glass jars that look like they came from Ikea. Bought tan yang and it tasted stale. Some nice tea ware pieces, but not a shop I would revisit.
In TO:
Tao tea leaf
House of tea
T-buds (have yet to visit)
Good to know then, nix that one.:-)
A few comments:
– House of Tea is very expensive. Some nice teas, mind you, but very expensive!
– T-Buds used to have a very good selection of loose teas. But recently they have switched to providing more food and afternoon tea.
– Yeah, fooling around in Chinatown (downtown) can be fun.
– Sanko on Queen W. has a selection of Japanese teas, at various price points.
– Another place to buy some Japanese teas is Things Japanese on Harbord. They have a small selection there.
Best wishes,
Thanks everyone!! Ill try and hit as many of these as i can! If at the very least just to see what they have – this could get expensive, haha
I should also add The Tea Emporium to the list.
Although it is a chain (of sorts), it is an interesting place to shop. I used to like to visit their flagship store on Eglinton W, but since they moved that location to a smaller spot just west of the original locale, it is much less interesting.
You could also check out some of The Tea Emporium kiosks in Loblaws, especially the one at MLG (which is in itself worthy of a visit).
Best wishes,
I was so, so happy that I visited Say Tea when I was there. Lots of excellent teas and very reasonable prices.
Yes, Say Tea is a nice shop. They are quite British in their orientation, more so than Pippins out in the Beaches. They have a low-grown Ceylon that I enjoy while at work.
Best wishes,
Just looked at their website – definitely going there if I can, thanks!
EmilyGee, I’m not sure where your staying for the conference but if for some reason you’re stuck by the airport The Zen Garden restaurant has some nice teas and does tea ceremonies on Friday. They have my favourite (so far) Dancong and some other surprisingly nice teas.
Ahhhh… I get there on Saturday and leave on thursday. sigh
I’m staying at a hotel near downtown, I think (I should know this, haha) but if I get a chance I’ll check it out – thanks!
there’s always afternoon tea at the king edward heh
I forgot to mention The Lucky Moose in Chinatown. They carry a good selection of boxed Chinese and Taiwanese teas. Can’t speak to their quality, though. But an interesting place to browse.
Best wishes,
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