a higher quality pai mu tan white peony?
im looking for a really top quality pai mu tan white peony.
ive learnt that you can get aged, Zheng He Mudan Wang & various other types. although ive only tried the basic one, i know there can be a difference in taste.
does anyone know what i should search for when it comes to a really high quality bai mu dan?
thanks for any help!
Hey rasseru!
Check out my website, ShangTea.com
We specialize in White Teas, and source all of our tea from one farm in Fujian. All of our tea leaf is 100% organic, and we strive to have the highest quality White Tea in the world.
Some of our most popular teas and staff favorites are our award winning White Peony King (Bai Mu Dan) and our 2007 Brick Aged White Tea.
Hope this helps!
- Shang Tea
how do you tell between different grades or types of white peony?
Generally speaking, grades depend on how young the leaf is when harvested and what time of year it is picked. For Bai Mu Dan (White peony) the highest grade is one leaf and one bud. Next highest grade is, two leaf and one bud. Then three or four leafs and one bud.
Just keep in mind, higher grade doesn’t always mean higher quality. It depends on the growing conditions of the tea plants, such as altitude, soil, water, and air.
And then of course, who processes the tea.
For example if you compare, high elevation, organic older larger leaf, to a low elevation, not organic young leaf. Then 99% of the time, the big leaf will taste better and healthier.
Our 2008 loose leaf aged is standard two leaf, one bud.
We also have a 2011, one leaf, one bud. If you are interested in this tea though, you will have to email us at, [email protected]
I highly recommend Concept Teas. Their white teas are some of the best I’ve had:
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