Any suggestions on mixing davids tea?
I have a little collection of David’s Tea and I would like to know if anyone else has any suggestions to mixing them. Like mixing forever nuts with big apple to make an ‘apple pie’ tea. The idea is from their mix and match collection but I’m wondering what I can do with the rest of my teas as well.
I know they were selling some of their teas this way a while ago. Like one container with two compartments and encouraged you to mix them together. The only one I remember was oh canada and blueberry jam and they called it “blueberry pancake” … i think. Definitely a cool idea, I’ve just never had enough creativity to come up with my own blends! :P
aaand I just reread your post properly and you said thats where you got the idea from….. hahaha whoops. sorry!
You’re fine! I’m just looking for inspiration or anyone who has done this before, and have their own blends. So far, I got nothing except for the ones that David’s Tea has prepackaged. Although I know I mixed blueberry jam with forever nuts for a blueberry pie instead of their big apple and forever nuts for apple pie.
I don’t remember when this one was a previous mix, but Coffee Puerh and Birthday Cake = they say Tiramisu, I say Coffee Crisp!
I’ve also been adding Green Mate or plain Guayusa to the caffeine free blends to get an energy kick in the morning n_n
I have also added guayusa to caffeine-free blends. Cocomint Cream and guayusa is delicious, if coconut is a flavor you enjoy! :)
@daisychubb, I don’t have any green mate/guayusa right now :( But I’ve been turning my black teas into my concoction of English Breakfast by steeping them a bit longer and adding a bit of almond milk to them.
My friend recommended me to blend Big Apple & Cotton Candy together. I tried it and made a few tea notes about it. It’s definitely a good blend but over-steeping it is an issue that sours the flavor with it’s bitterness.
I’ll keep updating as I find interesting blends!
The most I’ve done is mix a mint tea with green tea to make a mint-green tea. I guess it depends what your preference is and what you have :)
Actually, I lied. I just recently used up my fruit herbal teas from DAVID’s by making iced tea. When I make iced tea I make a pitcher full thus I need to use 3-4 tbsp of tea per pitcher. I mixed Forever Nuts and Watermelon Mint together and my husband really liked it.
Another thing I’ve done previously is if I have a tea with hibiscus given to me (I hate really dislike the tartness of hibiscus) I will mix it with a tea like forever nuts that does not have hibiscus to cut the tartness. Mixing chai teas (regardless if it’s a black, rooibos, or green tea) is another option I’ve done.
Thanks for the idea of forever nuts! I will have to try those blends but I don’t have watermelon mint right now.
I actually tried a mix I really like yesterday. I mixed Apple Custard with Strawberry Rhubard Parfait. It is a subtle blend but I enjoyed it greatly!
That does sound like a good blend!
Watermelon Mint is unfortunately no longer carried at DAVIDs :(. It may come back in the summer. I know one tea which has come back 2 years in a row is Mango Fruit Punch and that might be a good one to mix.
I just did Lime Gelato and Forever Nuts, and it is a forever dream! Alas, the Gelato Lime is another one of those seasonal teas. Still, I feel that the forever nuts added to it really brought out the lime flavor of the lime gelato tea which I had trouble with noticing unless I did a strong tea.
I like to mix Lapsang Souchong Star with Cinnamon Rooibos Chai, but that might be a bit of an acquired taste. ;)
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