Processed Pu`erh Tea
Raw tea turns into processed tea either through natural fermentation over time or pile fermentation (artificial fermentation), which takes much less time. Although both are of similar quality, the demand for the latter is greater. The artificially fermented tea becomes more stable in its property after a litter storage and is a good choice for a daily drink.
High-quality dry processed tea is brownish-red or deep maroon. The tea liquild is clear and dark tea. The taste is smooth and mellow with a sweet aftertaste. The processed tea is mild and most suitable for middle-aged and senior tea drinkers. It is also good for people with digestive problems, high cholesterol or blood pressure.
That’s not exactly true. Raw (green or sheng) tea can never really become shu (cooked or shu) tea. It ages over time but that is not the same thing. The fermentation process changes shu puerh on a microbial level. Also, high quality leaves are almost never made into cooked puerh. The demand for either really depends on where you are. I believe that most puerh sold in the US is still cooked puerh. We’re just starting to discover how awesome sheng is. I’m not one for health benefits. I just drink puerh because it yummy :)
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