Tea of the Week! Our Weekly Special Ts

Hey Fellow Steepster Friends,

To spice up the Autumn season, each week we will be revealing a new, never-been-steeped-before Limited Edition Tea! Each tea is custom blended with all natural ingredients and premium loose leaf tea.

We only have a 35 ounce of each type of tea, so don’t miss out! We thought this would be a great way for tea lovers (including ourselves) to try something new and have something to look forward as the weather turns cold.

Check it out this week’s special flavor and steep away: http://www.shopsanctuaryt.com/teaoftheweek

With a big cup of tea in hand,
Sanctuary T

23 Replies
Cofftea said

I still love Frank dearly for his mad blending skills, but I’m so excited that another tea company is following in his footsteps! The 1st one isn’t for me personally, but I’m jazzed about the idea.

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Lori said

Great idea and I ditto Cofftea. Although, I have always wanted to try their Carnivale tea.

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:) Thanks for the support… Hopefully next week’s blend will tempt you a bit more Cofftea!

Cofftea said

Frank knows what I like and what I don’t care for- at least (for the sake of my wallet) plan to tempt me alternating weeks!=D

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We noticed that there was a problem when trying to go out to the shopping cart… but that has been fixed! Just in case anyone was going to give it a try!

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I tried it last night and noticed the problem (it wouldn’t load the tea into my cart!) but, I was too tired to address it then, so I am glad that it’s been fixed… I’m off to see the wiz… err… no. I’m off to buy some tea! :)

we are glad that we fixed this! sending you cheer and extra hope that you enjoy the blend.


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Hey All!

Happy friday! Our second “tea of the week” has not been released via our newsletter yet, but we thought we would give everyone on steepster a special sneak peak at it!


With a brimming cup of matcha!
Sanctuary T

Cofftea said

Yay for matcha! Gotta admit you got my hopes up that’s what it would be lol:)

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Imitation…. flattery….. yeah.

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Week #4 and going strong! The quintessential autumn blend: http://www.shopsanctuaryt.com/teaoftheweek4

We sip and nibble on some pumpkin pie!

Cofftea said

Now that is up my alley.

Cofftea said

Officially caved:)

! :)

Yup, I caved on that one too :) And the Dessert Oasis, on LiberTEAS recommendation

Cofftea said

I just got an email saying that Week 4 has finally shipped 13 days after purchase- which is inexcusable in my opinion. Was there ever a week 5? I never got an email about it and nothing was posted here… I’m not sure whether to be annoyed or concerned.

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Sorry for the delay! Happy Gobble Day: http://www.shopsanctuaryt.com/teaoftheweek5#

Enjoy this week’s tea with a big slice of turkey!

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Our personal favorite! Tea of the week 6! No really, we are obsessed: http://www.shopsanctuaryt.com/teaoftheweek6

Meghann M said

How do I purchase the special low priced one ounce size? I have wanted to get this and last week’s teas in sample sizes but when I click on the price points after clicking on the link it only shows 2 oz, 4 oz, and 8 oz as options. has anyone bought these in the 1 oz size?

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