Please help me reach our Kickstarter goal!

Hello Everyone!

I have been trying to not overwhelm you guys with requests for pledges for this campaign, because I know that I would probably be a little perturbed with constant requests.

But I do need your help. I sincerely want to keep 52Teas going. I love the idea of a different tea every week.

But it’s about more than that. I also see this as my chance to not only get back into making tea again (I really have missed it), but it’s also a chance to do something with my daughter – for my daughter. The way I see it is that with her working with me, I can teach her how to do this and I can give her and her budding family a business that has the ability to grow and become very successful for her. It’s my chance to give my daughter and my grandson something that can make a real difference for their future.

Please help me reach this goal. If you aren’t able to pledge, I do understand that finances are tight, but please help me spread the word so that we can make this a success. I can’t do it without you.

Thank you for your time.

20 Replies
Sil select said

Thank you Sil! I was posting this kind of in a hurry this morning before my daughter dropped my grandson off for me to watch him and totally forgot it!

Sil select said

haha of course! happy to help :)

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Uniquity said

Maybe the Steepster team would be willing to share it on their Facebook page? They have 4K+ likes, at least a few people would likely see it and donate!

Good luck!!

Great idea!

Uniquity said

Better odds than my sharing it – my ~90 friends aren’t likely to donate. I still think that if the Exploding Kittens people mentioned it, 52Teas would be set for life!

We need to find somebody that has an “in” with those peeps!

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Lindsay said

I posted to twitter and tumblr… but I don’t have a lot of followers. Hopefully people browsing the #tea and #looseleaf tags will see it!

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Andy Hayes said

Looks like you’re off to a great start – yahoo!!!

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OK, I’m bumping this because it’s been a couple of days since you last heard from me.

We’re currently at $2616 … but we have a long way to go to reach that goal and we can’t do it without you!

And remember, with each $2K milestone reached, we vote on another reblend! When we reached $2000, we voted in Raspberry Cream Cheese Danish Honeybush! That means that flavor, in addition to the other reblends that will be crafted when we take over, can be purchased with the incentives.

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So … I have to share this with you because it brought tears to my eyes. My hubby wrote this on facebook about this endeavor:

“I don’t much enjoy spending out mass invites like I just did… but really would appreciate everyone’s support. My wife & daughter are running a kick starter campaign to take over a tea company, which they will be perfect at running. 52 tea’s premise is a new tea blend every week. If you back the project you will receive various things, namely tea.
Now this isn’t grocery store tea bag tea… Anne Downen doesn’t even consider that tea… this is tea she blends by herself with the skill of an artist and the passion of a crazy person. I say that with love.
Besides our daughters & grandson, there’s nothing my lady is more passionate about. Please help me get her to her goal.
Thanks for your consideration! If you have any questions about how to donate or how it works please message me, Anne or Amethyst Bussey.

Anyway … I just had to share that … I think it was the sweetest thing he ever said about me.

Uniquity said

It’s a beautiful show of support! What a great husband. :)

What a great guy!

Thanks … when I told him that I posted what he wrote here and said it was the sweetest thing he’s ever said about me, he was like “I’ve said sweeter things.” But usually he sort of mocks my passion for tea (although he’s gotten better about that in recent weeks, especially after finally – FINALLY! – trying chai), but this comment from him sounded like he almost admired my passion and it was beautiful the way he put it. :)

Anne, I adore what your husband said. That’s love, right there.

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Kittenna said

I will be pledging at some point, just trying to figure out if anyone else in the area is interested :) At the very least, I’m going to get full sizes of Maple Cheesecake TGY and Marshmallow Treat, plus the April reblends :D

Thank you, @Kittenna – I appreciate all the support!

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Just pledged! Wishing you ALL THE LUCK IN THE WORLD! :D

Thanks so much!

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Bumping again …

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