Has anyone ever tried mitragyna speciosa(Kratom) green tea before !?

My local herbalist has recently referred me to a green herbal plant from Indonesia called Mitragyna Speciosa or known as Kratom. It comes in powder form and taken in a tea. He has refereed me to this because of my medical condition and its an effective pain reliever. I’m just wondering if anyone else has tried this psychoactive tea before, Its completely legal in Canada but because of its Effects and medicinal properties I want to actually talk to someone who has experience with it.
Thank you

12 Replies
sansnipple said

It’s not a green tea, it’s a plant-derived recreational drug, that’s only still legal through oversight because it’s not well known. From what I hear its effects are a bit similar to an opiate high, but also very likely to make you vomit.

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Yes I read the purging is quite normal. Not sure if i`m gonna order some seeing as its expensive and I don’t know anyone who has tried it. Ill just stick to my relaxing Chamomile for now ( :

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Anlina said

I haven’t tried it myself but I know someone who was using it for a bit. If I recall, it was helpful for pain relief and opiate withdrawal, but nausea was definitely an issue.

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sansnipple said

Honestly if your pain is that bad you should talk to your doctor about getting some actual prescription pain treatment. Or if you really want something herbal, you could try medical marijuana, that’s legal in Canada too, right?

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I have a recurring groin hernia and I have had it repaired 5 times my pain isn’t mild but it isn’t severe either. I cant take opiate pain medication anymore and I’ve been switched over to Toradal but it barely helps. Yes medical Marijuana is legal here but its near to impossible to get a doctor to approve of it for pain management unless you have severe pain issues (MS, Fibromylgia, Cancer), its ridiculous but oh well. Sorry for turning this discussion into WebMD lol

sansnipple said

sorry to hear that, I’ve got bad chronic pain too and the opiate meds aren’t fun but they’re the only thing that keeps me functional, hope you find some relief somehow.

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melkemp said

Hey I’ve been using kratom on and off for pain relief. It is actually very wonderful and I much prefer over any opiate pharma prescription pills. You dont get the hazy, lazy, out of it feeling that comes with pain pills like percocets. Nausea is normal if you take too much. As with anything, you need to be careful when dosing yourself. If you want you can PM me and we can talk. I’m curious to know who your herbalist is. Not too many out there are familiar with Mitragyna Speciosa!

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Ive used kratom for pain relief after minor surgery and for insomnia and it works wonders as long the pain is mild as it was for me. Nausea can be a side effect for but i find brewing the kratom with green tea and taking ginger 15mins before completely eliminates the nausea and the green tea also helps with the taste. Also I cant stress enough how much it helps my insomnia where sleeping pills have failed and have given me horrible “hangovers” in the morning. I definitely recommend you give it a try.

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Isn’t this drugs xD

Kratom does have psychoactive properties but its completely legal all over the world. Coffee is the most consumed psychoactive drug in the world and the fact chamomile tea is psychoactive cause it has anti anxiety properties and helps treat insomnia. So technically you can say chamomile tea is a drug to. Anything that alters how you feel or how your brain works is a drug.

I see that you are new here. We don’t talk to each other that way here.

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It definitely works as a pre-workout for me, nothing major, but it definitely increases intensity and focus. However, I try to avoid it if possible and instead think about the reasons for why I’m training in the first place if I need a pre-workout. Mostly I don’t need one because I actually love training and look forward to it and I should have said caffeine instead of coffee, as I drink white tea and green tea more often than coffee. I always drink coffee/green tea/white tea during study sessions. For more information: Kratom

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