I think I’m going to get one, because having 500 teas is clearly not enough. ;)
I’ve been pleased with Lupicia and can’t resist a surprise. :)
I would totally consider it if I weren’t so tea overwhelmed right now. :P Love Lupicia.
I’ve not heard of this before. Could u post a link?
If any white/green drinker wants to go in on one, I mainly drink blacks.
I ordered one of the $60 bags last year, I am on the fence about doing it again. I got some good teas I liked, but I also got a bunch that I didn’t care for so much. If you are new to Lupicia it would be a good way to try a lot of different stuff. Otherwise it might be better to just spend the money on teas you know you’ll love. I know I gave away an Earl Grey and I got a few other ones like an Elderflower/Chamomile, Afternoon Tea, Black Momo (Peach) and a Sencha which I’ve barely touched.
Ditto. I have enjoyed my past years but I feel like I have a good handle on which Lupicia teas I like and don’t need a random sample, of which I would give away a bunch. Also last years were all the same at each level, which really took the surprise out of it.
for me, it’s not even a lupicia thing. I know largely what sorts of teas i like and what i don’t. I also don’t really want 50g of a tea that i only “kind” of like. We did the bag one year, and i think the only way i’d do it again was if it were a 4 way split lol
I am thinking of buying one if they respond to my email. I asked them if it was possible to request no Barley teas as I am allergic. I am still waiting for a response.
if it’s any comfort, I didn’t get any barley teas last year…
allan, someone might be willing to swap you for the barley tea if it is included in the bag….lots of people like it (I’ve never tried it) and might be willing to take it off your hands….but I’d like to know if you receive a response from Lupicia!
They responded to my email. The $50 bag has no barley tea, the others do.
Waiting for these to show up on their site. Hurry up! ;)
Are they already sold out at 8am eastern time? They don’t display on the website.
Allan, I wouldn’t think so. I don’t see an option to purchase them. Also it says their office is closed from 12/30/14 – 1/5/15. I wonder if they forgot?
It would be ridiculous and bad form if they were already sold out anyway.
I’m still not seeing them on their website…..anyone else able to access them or get one?
I wonder if calling one of their stores would answer the question?
I just got on the website and could not get a link to purchase either. A couple of years ago, they sold out of the smaller bags by early morning Pacific time….would be remarkable if they sold out of all sizes already.
The bags aren’t live on the website yet. They kinda messed this one up. ;)
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