Teas for Headaches
Hey everyone! I’ve been lurker on discussion boards but I need your help. I have frequent headaches due to sinus troubles and sometimes muscle tension. It’s pretty horrible and I really hate taking tons of medicine. What do you drink to help with headaches?
I find caffeinated teas helpful…but that is very likely due to a bit of a tea-induced caffeine addiction and the fact that I primarily have migraines, not regular headaches, and caffeine tends to help those.
Sometimes just anything caffeinated helps me as well, but I used to keep bags of peppermint and ginger teas for just this purpose as well;-)
I asked a similar question two years ago and got a lot of helpful responses: http://steepster.com/discuss/5262-migraine-help?
I find mint and ginger teas helpful, though I now have a prescription medication that’s super effective all on its own.
I am so glad I found this thread. OMara, I think I can help you.
I suffer from frequent migraines, (I’m talking like at least two a week.) they are mind-crippling and force me to simply do what I can to ride them out in the darkness of my bedroom until they go away. Even the simplest things and bring on a headache, like, scrolling too fast on my phone, or sitting in a weird position for long periods of time, or even flickering lights and bad smells.
I usually get tension migraines, but in the spring especially the sinus headaches rear their ugly heads. When I feel one cropping up, I often don’t have time to make a pot of tea before things get serious. But I have my little rituals I do that help it go away faster.
1. Determine the kind of headache
Where does it hurt in your head? If I feel it in my face or right behind my ears, it’s sinus related. If my neck and shoulders has been stiffer than usual, then I know for sure it’s a tension headache.
2. Get somewhere dark and quiet ASAP
Anything to trigger the headache or push it further must go away, if at all possible. If not, distract yourself with your hands. Tie knots in string if you have to.
3. H2O good, Spice is better
If I do have time to make myself something to drink, I have a concoction of licorice root, lemon (slices preferably), the spiciest ginger tea I have (Fresh ginger or Stash’s Ginger tea), and a dash of cayenne. The cayenne is really helpful for clearing sinuses, as well as the ginger. Stronger mint teas are good too. Not peppermint or spearmint. I’m talking Eucalyptus.
4. Heat is your BFF
This is the only thing I have tried that really works. Those ‘rice socks’ things you can find at Target or something. Nukeable heat wraps on my neck and/or forehead.
I really don’t do caffeine when my migraines get really bad, they do the opposite of help. But when I need to stave off a headache for a little while I will drink the closest black tea, hopefully an Assam.
I hope that helps! Sorry for the long freaking post :P
Just a note on the rice socks, see if you can find a cherry pit one instead. The rice ones can mold and stuff, which is gross. And the cherry pits are supposed to hold heat better. I do not know if that is true, but they’re really great and I really like the texture of them.
Thank you so much for the detailed answer! I’m hopin that some of these solutions help. Thankfully, I’ll be going to the ENT soon for my sinuses and maybe (fingers crossed) this problem will clear up.
No worries. Anything to help. I have heard of people taking feverfew for headaches and migraines, but I have also heard that it gives you mouth ulcers….
Mint is my go to. Something about the way it makes the blood vessels react. Doesn’t fix it, but helps. I’m rarely in a position to hide out when a headache hits so I go for mint in any form, water and something warm on my forehead/back of neck. Ibuprpfen if it feels like it won’t get sorted easily. Usually I can tell but sometimes I try to ride it out when I should have just taken a few ibu.
Like many people have said, mint definitely helps me the most, sometimes its the only thing that helps headaches. You could even get some plain mint and mix it with any tea you’d like.
Dr. Oz recommends Quinoa milk for migraines. It is high in magnesium which helps the blood vessels relax thus reducing the pain.
- http://www.naturalhealth365.com/food_news/migraines.html
- http://www.amazon.com/Suzies-Quinoa-Milk-Beverage-Vanilla/dp/B00FTC68VO
- http://www.vitacost.com/suzies-quinoa-milk-beverage-unsweetened-vanilla-32-fl-oz
- https://www.facebook.com/Suzies.Natural.Products
- http://www.walmart.com/ip/35176796?wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227023680067&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=40891115552&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=78820865072&veh=sem
I also recommend mint, usually straight or in a blend with eucalyptus. Sometimes a heavily caffeineated tea like a straight black tea will work too, but it sometimes aggravates it, so I prefer mint. I have found that some sheng puerhs help for sinuses too, helps to clear my nose. Hope this helps :)
Depending on the person and type of headache, any tea with caffeine can be helpful, as caffeine restricts blood vessels. Be careful though, because caffeine can also induce headaches in some people.
Personally, I find that mint is really helpful when I have sinus-related headaches. Smelling the mint and letting the steam soothe my sinuses is a bonus. For tension, I drink chamomile to help me relax. Even the smell is enough to help me wind down.
I hope you find something that works for you!
I’m not a big fan a chamomile. Maybe I’ve never had a good quality. What are your suggestions for chamomile? Straight or blended?
I’m prone to migraines, which causes nausea sometimes, so I don’t always drink straight chamomile. I find the sweetness can make my nausea worse. That’s when I go to the blended variety, because the chamomile isn’t as potent.
I’m sorry that I don’t have a decent brand to recommend. I know Adagio has nice loose leaf chamomile, but as far as blended goes, the only kind I drink is Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime tea. It’s not the best quality, but I find the combination of chamomile (which only contributes a mild sweetness) and mint go well together to soothe my headaches.
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