Advent Day 23, From the Depths of the Grab Bag
“The dry smell was, uh, like chocolate or chicory. And, uh, wet smells like, uh, like a chicory tea, like it’s supposed to taste like chocolate or vanilla. Cinnamon. Star anise. heh heh heh All I can smell is that perfumey smell. It tastes alright. It’s okay. It’s not bad. I’d say it’s a, uh 6 to.. 6.5. Maybe it’s got some kinda black tea or some kinda tea that tastes dry on your tongue. Unless it’s got some chamomile or something in it. Let’s see, does it have any fruity in it? I can’t smell any fruity. It kinda tastes like that Celestial Seasoning one that’s supposed to taste like ‘Get up in the Morning Tea.’ Okay, so what is it?”
Maple Ginger.
“Oh yeah, ginger but it’s so overpowered by the maple.”
It’s got oolong tea which is probably giving you the—
“—black, tannin.”
Aaaand [the rest of the ingredients].
“Okay. Tell everybody out there if they have a good tea they want to send me, I’ll give a professional critique!”
Honestly, she’d get the biggest kick if somebody addressed a tiny tea sample to her. “Am I famous yet??”
Love the offer of a professional critique!
Prepare to be inundated with Kiki review packages, ha ha!
I needed that chuckle this morning!
Honestly, she’d get the biggest kick if somebody addressed a tiny tea sample to her. “Am I famous yet??”
Kiki was instantly famous. haha