Another tea brought by a well meaning family member.
I dont care for chai, but I do love all the spices that go into chai, so I keep trying them.
My mom made an absolutely delicious pumpkin ring, I though that this would go well with it. Wrong.
It was just weird. I had to spill out my cup.
It didnt taste like pumpkin, it kind of smelled like carrots. It had a sweet sort of fertilizer smell and the fruity flavor had an over ripe quality – not a good thing.
I’ve said it before and I will probably say it again – I will leave the chai spices to baking and curries.
I’m with you. I just don’t ‘get’ chai.
Totally agree with you on this one! I actually normally like Chai and STILL didn’t like this tea! It tastes burnt to me… Yuck!