I’m drinking this tea on this long relaxing sunday evening! Its one off those evenings that i’m a bit melancholic and thinking about the past and future… its one off those days that u sometimes have when u worry alot about personal things.
So why not drink this light jasmine tasting tea to calm my mind a bit!
I’ve had this tea before but its been a long time ago, its pale yellow in color more yellow then the normal silver needles. The jasmine taste comes true and holds very well true up to 3 or 4 infusions. The Jasmine is not overwhelming like i a jasmine green pearl tea but its there and is mixing very well to give a light drink hot and cold!
I brewed my first cup and drank it while it cooled down, the second cup was brewed right before taking a bath so it had cooled down to being almost cold when i came out … and it tastes just as wonderfull. I can even say that the most tender and light tasting notes come out a bit better at almost cold temperature!
Overall a very good tea to fill in my white tea needs!