Backlog note 6 of 13.
I’m backtracking a bit here – I forgot that I drank this on Saturday, not Sunday.
I had a Mary Kay lady over at my house to try on different types of makeup. I thought it would be fun, but I ended up feeling really uncomfortable because I just wanted make up, and she wanted to show me all of these other products involving skin care. I just wanted makeup! And I just wanted her to tell me what colours looked good on me! I’m an idiot when it comes to make up – just tell me what I need to do, and I’ll be fine.
Anyways, I had some of this when she was over. I really want to sip this down – I might as well do it with someone who doesn’t know I’ve got better stuff hiding in the cupboard.
Does that make me a bad person? Ah well. Consider me cheap.