Backlog from last night.
Since I bought an iced tea pitcher about a month ago from David’s Tea, I am now in a MUST HAVE ALL THE ICED TEAS mood. This seemed like it would be a perfect fit when I ordered it from RiverTea. I could smell the lime scent even when the box was still full of packing peanuts!
However, this tea didn’t taste like it had any lime in it at all when I brewed it. I tasted a citrus sweetness from the rosehip and the lemongrass, but oddly enough I also tasted vanilla. It reminded me of a different RiverTea flavour in fact, Infinite Good Feeling. No lime at all – which is a real disappointment. However, the dry mix itself doesn’t appear to contain any limes – all of the dried citrus wedges I see are orangish rather than green. Does lime turn a different colour when it dehydrates?
I’m going to try brewing it up a different method next. This time I used hot water and steeped it for about 10 minutes at double strength, then topped it up with ice cubes. Next I’ll see how it tastes when coldbrewed for a day. I hope it will be more limy then.
Flavors: Citrus, Rosehips, Vanilla