Mandala Tea

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drank Black Pearl by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

haha i really should remember to look at my notes before brewing things. 7 pearls for 16oz mug = a few too many pearls. 5 would probably do it, but i’m trying to compare a couple so i’m going to be consistent.
I know garett is working on getting these back. I certainly hope he succeeds since these are DELICIOUS. They’re slightly smokey, chocolately, grainy, malty delicious bundles of joy!

Edit: Loving the resteeps on these as well!

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drank Black Pearl by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

you know what’s awful? I drank two teas today.. and beyond loving them at the time, i am just too exausted to write anything. I’ve still got an hour of work left…7:30-23:30. what fun. This is fantabulous. that is all.


You can do it!


Thanks kaylee!

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drank Black Pearl by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

Totally had these again this morning before i went in to work! i am loving these so i’m glad there are more on their way to me!


glad you are getting some!! hopefully i can find some more of these on my next trip to China!!


I just had some Black Pearls that I got in a swap and they are the poorest imitation of black pearls. :| Good thing I have such good teas coming my way.

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drank Black Pearl by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

Oh yes. Hello good morning wake up happy tea.

5 pearls for my 16oz travel mug brewed for about 4 mins

I’m not sure there’s anything more to say tht others haven’t covered besides yes…..yes…and more yes. I heart these more than the teavana ones, which is good since those are never around….and I’m not a teavana fan otherwise. This is going on my reorder…well order since these were sent my way by the lovely terriharplady

Yay! Happy Tuesday everyone!


Happy Tuesday to you, my friend! Enjoy these while you can! These are the perfect age for drinking right now and I cannot find any more of them for the life of me. I am hoping that my producer will make more of these this or next year but when my current (and quickly shrinking) stash is gone, I will be out of these until they make more. About a kg left :(


Yikes. I have a feeling this is one I’ll really enjoy too. I hope you can source more of it by the time I’m ready to order, which, sadly, won’t be for a few months.

Terri HarpLady

I need moar!


I had to order some of this today based on these comments. LOL Steepster gets me in so much trouble….


they’re delicious dexter! I’m planning on just saying to hell with my hiatus tonight and getting a few things based on what i’ve managed to run through of my samples from terri


I love everything I’ve tried from Mandala. You pretty much can’t go wrong with whatever you decide to order – (I also got one of the Noble Mark cakes and some milk oolong – and a Yixing tea pot). Everything is just so good, and everything I haven’t tried other are saying how good it is. LOL Dangerous, dangerous site.


Oh, dexter… Hiatus much?


I only ordered 3 and a teapot, I thought I was showing remarkable restraint. One of the teas is to replenish one of my all time fav’s that I’m almost out of……

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

This years harvest is less delightful to me so far, but I’ll give it a few more cups before I drop the rating a little.

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

Sipdown! Not that i’m too worried about that given the super low weight of my cupboard these days, but i AM using january as my baseline for this year, so i should see where i end up by the end of the month with my few orders coming in this week.

Sad to see this one go but man was it a delicious cup this morning. Always nice to drink out of a mug instead of a travel mug at work :) Mandala’s offerings are just spot on for black teas.

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

Another one from today. Trying to drink more of my straight black teas these days especially since i went wild with samples from teavivre. This is the only other straight black in my cupboard not from teavivre, so figured i should finish it up before i start on those samples. Still another days worth of this one left, but it’ll for sure go on my list of things to buy from mandala again later in the year if the budget allows for it. With the kiddo coming soon (11wks!) hard to say what i’ll have disposable income for :)

Cameron B.

I, too, went wild with the samples. TeaVivre sample party! :D


yep! too good a deal to pass up, revisiting favourites and trying a few new ones

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

Tea from yesterday to go with our work lunch. Oh man was it ever good. Turkey, stuffing, gravy, salad, buns, desserts…“wine” even the vegan and vegetarian options looked amazing. I am going to miss this tea when it’s gone. It’s been hitting all the right spots these days with it’s balance of smooth, chocolatey, medium body goodness.

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

Need to pick up more of this in my next mandala order. Also a tea from yesterday and exactly what i wanted. A delicious, smooth, slightly chocolatey tea. So tasty.

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

Tea from this morning while i stressed over strollers. Yeah that’s right. Strollers and car seats are a pain in my butt. The one we wanted was on sale – and they never go on sale – but they’re pretty much out of stock everywhere in toronto as a result. My parents however are amazing and did a bit of running around in Ottawa for me and managed to snag the last one at a store there. And then to top it all off, are giving it to us for christmas. Parents are the best sometimes :) So glad i pulled this tea out today though. it’s been a while since i had it and it was sooooo good. Sweet, smooth and a little bit of chocolate in the background. I do love my straight black teas.


Getting the right stroller is very important. I remember being stressed over that as well. We ended up with the Inglesina Zippy. I don’t know whether they make it anymore, but one of the reasons we liked it was that it was easy to fold and it had wheels that swiveled, which can be important in tight spaces.

It was on the list of ones we wanted to check out at the baby megastore, and I was practically in tears of overwhlem trying to decide — but then a parent wheeled a baby by in the Inglesina Zippy and the baby was laughing and otherwise incredibly happy. So that tipped the scale for us. It served both my kids very well.


it’s silly how stressful it can be! :)


This was a serious cause of stress for me too! I ended up deciding that it just didn’t matter that much, and went with the boring, generic, but frequently-on-sale Graco Click & Connect. So far, perfectly happy with my choice, but it’s only been three months.


haha we picked up our carseat over the holidays as well so we’re basically golden in terms of big worrisome purchases now thank god. Just have to pick up a crib at some point and then all the small stuff like actual clothes/wash cloths/diapers etc.. but that’s the easy stuff


I stressed about it for way too long; probably wasn’t good.

One thing I’ve learned is not to bother buying like, any clothing aside from maybe a couple nb and 0-3 sleepers. Between large lots of secondhand clothes given to us by friends and presents for baby, we are basically covered for all our clothing needs until he is 18 months! Aside from a couple specialty items (Christmas stuff, formal clothes). Thankfully we bought fairly few items of clothing, and all secondhand, so we’re not too swamped!


Kittenna – yeah not playing on buying much of anything nuntil it’s closer to the due date. And if we do it’ll all be second hand

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

drinking teas….still around just super busy and not working from home as much these days. so happy to have some of mandala’s offerings in my cupboard again.

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

started my morning off with this one because i wanted something that i knew would be delicious. Going to be a long day today so i need to be functional and ready for it. thanks again to omgsrsly for sharing this with me. was nice to have it back in my cupboard for a wee time.

Terri HarpLady

I miss this tea… I might have to place a small Mandala order soon…


don’t do it! or at least wait until the new shous come in…. and then share those with me hahaha

Terri HarpLady

You got a deal! :)

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

First tea from this morning – decided that I’m going to try and get 5 sipdowns in this weekend even though that will be quite the challenge. I really enjoy this one but i always seem to forget that i love it. Maybe that says something about the tea? lol or me.

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drank Black Beauty by Mandala Tea
15519 tasting notes

a great cup of tea courtesy of omgsrsly i’ve missed this one so it was nice to revisit this old friend.


I need to get some more of this.

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