JK Tea Shop Online
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Quite nice. This is the first Shen puer I drink (I have been drinking shens only for 2 years cause I didn’t even know shu existed) and I can say I quite like it. The cake has a rich, strong fruity smell . Breaking it into smaller chunks to brew tea is not that hard even without any instruments and tea starts to give it all it’s got nearly from the very beginning.
The taste stronly reminds me of prunes and persists for at least 8 brewings. I can imagine that one can quickly get tired of this tea if drinking nothing else, but as I usually have 5-6 variaties in my cupboard I don’t think this will ever present a problem :)
My least favourite Dan Cong from JK Tea Shop (you’d never guess judging on its price). Sometimes it is said, that a tea “has a kick to it”. This one not only has a kick, but jumps and kicks you in your face. Imho, the taste is way too agressive and more bitter than floral. Or maybe I am not brewing it right…
I bought this tea last year, and just recently received this year’s harvest too; and i have to say this tea never fails to impress me. It is mellow, sweet, smooth, and the flavor lasts through many infusions, 10+. You can tell it is definitely a white tea that has been used, not a pouchong, and it doesnt taste like any artificial perfumes or flavors have been used.
I brewed this in a 4 oz ceramic houhin and used about 10 balls filling the houhin only halfway with water. I started out with water that was 175 and did a 1 minute steep rinse…then a one minute first steep, upping the time in 30-45 second increments each subsequent steep, only upping the temp in 5 degree increments when the brew starts tasting lighter than the last.
It’s just a beautiful tea with a very noticeable, yet not overpowering jasmine scent and flavor…after about the 7th steep for me the jasmine flavor starts to dissipate and whats left is just the smooth, sweet brew of the leaves themselves. If brewed right the tea soup never develops a color…it stays clear and colorless.
I enjoyed this year’s harvest more so than last year’s. It’s sweeter and less astringent.