I had this one on my way to work yesterday and I really don’t remember much about it. Sad, but true. I didn’t feel like I knew enough to write a review, so I figure I’ll do that the next time I have it hot.
But this was a cold brew. I decided to throw this in a mason jar in my fridge yesterday, and here I am.
Wow, the vanilla aroma off the tea is crazy strong. I mean, it smells like that vanilla pudding that I saw people talk about in the reviews of this one. I gave some to my husband to try, and he pulled his head back after going for a sip and gave me a look of shock. I told him to ignore that and just taste it.
the vanilla mellowed out a ton in the cold steep. It was still there, but not overwhelmingly so. It had a nice mouth feel, a little bit vegetable green, and slightly almost mineral taste, but very pleasant. Even my husband agreed.
I added more water to the leaves in the mason jar and back in the fridge it has gone.