Still drinking this one. I need to bring more teas into the office for sure.
I like it. It’s a good thing because I’ve still got a pretty decent amount of it left, especially when one considers I got the “try all five” option this month.
I’m just drinking all these teas that I can get multiple infusions out of lately, and my mug is soooo big. This is my biggest tea problem of the day. If that’s my tea problem, I’m a lucky girl, I guess.
I’m calling it a day at work. I’ve decided not to go to CrossFit because the WOD is ALL SNATCHES except for the sprinting. I love snatches, but since I jacked my wrist up last fall, I’ve been really struggling, and today it’s actually really achy. Not sure why, but I figure snatches is not the brightest idea with a really achy wrist. I’ll go home, go for a run, and drink some tea.
It’s all good.