Brewed this one hot this morning, because I wanted something warm to drink. I needed a bit of a pick me up and green teas always seem to do this for me. I loved the fruity scent of the dried mix and was very excited to try it (I almost didn’t want to wait the brew time lol). It brews a lovely red colour, which started out as light pink while it steeped and mixed together.
The flavour was delightful, sweet, fruity, and floral. The aroma of the brewed tea was warm and welcoming as well. My oldest only gave it a sniff (she is not overly keen on hot teas). The taste was amazing as well, it reminded me of sweet berries (which I am assuming it was the goji berries that brought out this flavour), with a hint of tart.
The only downside was the particulate left at the bottom of my cup that was able to escape through the infuser on my nordic mug, causing me to dump a two mouthfuls out.
Flavors: Berries, Red Fruits, Sweet