My very first order of 52 teas arrived today – Hooray!!!
I gasped in excitement when I saw my poor mailman trying to stuff the package through our little mail slot. When I opened the door to assist him, and I confirmed my suspicions as to what it was, I had to fight the urge to hug him – partially because it’s inappropriate to hug unwilling strangers, but mostly because he scurried away so quickly, that nothing short of a rugby tackle would have slowed his pace.
Sometimes I think I should wear a shirt that says “just because it’s your job, doesn’t mean I won’t try to hug you if you do it well”. But I suspect if I do that, my mailman would whip my mail at me and sprint off as if I was a rabid dog. The last business person I hugged was my real estate agent. He’s the best. Thankfully he’s far too sweet and polite to say anything, but I’m almost certain he thinks I’m at least a little nuts.
Damn you Charlotte Diamond for making me a crazy hug addict – lol!
As for this tea, Graveyard Mist is the tea that started my fascination with 52teas and eventually led to this first order. I loved how unique the online descriptions of their teas are, and when I saw that there was some of this one available I jumped at the chance to give it a try (along with a few others).
To be perfectly honest, when I caught the first whiff of this brewed tea while taking my initial sip, I expected to hear the whirrrr whirrr of the dentist’s office. Upon the first sip, the association of the minty sweetness went even further and made me lightly tap my teeth together in anticipation of that sandy grittiness of the toothpaste my hygienist uses. Thankfully there was none.
Thankfully, I was braced for disappointment when I took my first sip. I had suspected that there was no way this tea could ever live up to my high expectations. I have been so excited about trying it, that I built it up in my head to be like some kind of magical elixir.
Sadly, no magic… well, unless you count being mentally transported to my dentist’s office.
I won’t say that I was completely disappointed, because I wanted something different, and this certainly meets that criterion. I’ve also read on other tealogs that many 52teas blends get better with age, so tearing it open as soon as I got it is not likely a good way to give it a fair trial. It’s minty and sweet, and I get the feeling that I will enjoy this tea increasingly as I draw closer to the bottom of the package and make my peace that no tea can possibly ever live up to my crazed imagination. So if you see my rating for this one slowly inching up, it’s because I’m getting back in touch with reality.
Until next time, hugs to every one of my Steepster friends!
♪ 4 hugs a day ♫ that’s the minimum ♪ 4 hugs a day ♫ not the maximum ♪
LOL! I’m a hugger too :) I hug sales reps at trade shows and the staff that I train across the country. I lived in Vancouver for 15 years, so maybe it’s the West Coast in us?
@Rebecca Lynn – I hate it too, and for some crazy reason I can never stop myself from gently tapping my teeth together to feel the grit- I’m not sure why? I’m a little odd I suppose :)
@Miss Mylin – High five for hugging business people! Makes me wonder if we ever met, who would hug who first? lol
@TheTeaFairy – sending a cyber hug your way! :-)
I love going to the dentist (: This reminds me, I should give my dentist a big hug next time I go for a visit <3
Oy, I HATE that gritty toothpaste! I’m clenching my teeth just thinking about it.
LOL! I’m a hugger too :) I hug sales reps at trade shows and the staff that I train across the country. I lived in Vancouver for 15 years, so maybe it’s the West Coast in us?
Which reminds me, I got only 3 hugs today :-(
@Rebecca Lynn – I hate it too, and for some crazy reason I can never stop myself from gently tapping my teeth together to feel the grit- I’m not sure why? I’m a little odd I suppose :)
@Miss Mylin – High five for hugging business people! Makes me wonder if we ever met, who would hug who first? lol
@TheTeaFairy – sending a cyber hug your way! :-)
I love going to the dentist (: This reminds me, I should give my dentist a big hug next time I go for a visit <3
I would totally hug my dentist too but by time my dentist gets to me the hygenist has usually covered me with that weighted dental blanket thingee. He probably just senses a hug coming and figures it’s the most legal alternative to putting me in a straight jacket – lol