Stashdown #4! This tea is wonderful lukewarm. I bet it would be even better hot. I made my to-go mug of tea only to leave it sitting on the counter when I left for work. Its been one of those days. Everything is just sort of off kilter and not-quite-right.
Anyway, back to the tea. Ah, yes, this is a lovely black tea. It has a smooth body, and a somewhat indescribable taste. Not like a typical black tea that I’ve had recently. Less bold, but more sophisticated. It doesn’t need to whack you on your head to make you take notice. I don’t get the peppery notes that the tea description talks about, nor the cocoa notes that Caligatia mentioned today at lunch. I think my lack of descriptability stems from being very full from a very delicious lunch and wanting very badly to take a nap. Or it could be that I’m bummed that I accidentally left a mug of a tea that I very much wanted to enjoy sitting on the counter at home this morning. Tea just isn’t the same reheated.
No, the tea I was talking about with the cocoa notes was the Black Dragon Pearls (also from Adagio). BTW, I’m drinking a second steep of Yunnan Gold from the leaves I used before meeting you for lunch. Tea jinx!