Just taking a minute to relax before I plunge back into the craziness of Black Friday. This morning I had to go to get blood work done for my annual physical. I’m so glad I finally got that done because I dread it for months before I go. One time I went to have blood drawn and it was such a horrific experience which left me covered in bruises and a little mentally scarred. Because of that I now can pass out while having blood drawn, so I have to wait for a special recliner and an experienced lab person. Luckily, I did not pass out this time. Yay! No cold sweat either. Only had my heart rate elevated just a little and a bit of fast nervous talking. Go me.
This Black Friday sale is insane! At this level we may surpass last year’s sales in a few hours, and we still have more than 3 days left. We have already run out of Vanilla Carrot Cake and there are a few other teas that are in danger of running out. I love the insanity of these 4 days and at the same time, I’m a little terrified that we will have all sorts of issues of running out of teas and whatnot.
I love this tea! If I could drink only one tea for the rest of my life, this would be it. The caramel and cocoa notes are just perfect right now and since I brewed it a little extra strong, the maltiness is coming out nicely. Yum. Perfect tea for my mood right now. Next I think I’m going for the White Rhino. That is just a real caramel-y tea.
Ooof, I hate having blood drawn too. Apparently I have tiny veins and they always have to use the baby “butterfly” needle on me! I get way light headed but luckily I’ve never actually passed out! I bet you are glad to have that overwith and congrats on the excellent Black Friday business!!
Oh no, that doesn’t sound like fun. So glad to have it over with. It was really quick too since I was the only one there. I guess everyone was busy shopping. Thanks! :)
I’m quite similar to you about getting blood taken, I get so fuzzy headed and nervous, close to passion passing out but not quite. Happy it went better for you today! :)
Ooof, I hate having blood drawn too. Apparently I have tiny veins and they always have to use the baby “butterfly” needle on me! I get way light headed but luckily I’ve never actually passed out! I bet you are glad to have that overwith and congrats on the excellent Black Friday business!!
Oh no, that doesn’t sound like fun. So glad to have it over with. It was really quick too since I was the only one there. I guess everyone was busy shopping. Thanks! :)
I’m quite similar to you about getting blood taken, I get so fuzzy headed and nervous, close to passion passing out but not quite. Happy it went better for you today! :)
I really wanted to get some of the Vanilla Carrot Cake…sorry I missed it!
MissLena-Thanks. :) Fuzzy head and nervous is no fun. I don’t know if you’ve tried it but I find lying down when getting blood drawn really helps.
Terri-Oh no sorry. :(