Thank you Nina’s for this tea sample
I could tell when I opened the little serving packet that the aroma of the tea was quite strong. It wasn’t my first encounter with Nina’s, so I was aware that there would be a lavish amount of flavor, and that if I over-steeped the tea it could be disastrous.
A light touch, lighter than recommended, would be best.
I used a small teapot, fresh boiled spring water and a 2 minute steep which produced a very rich, smooth and creamy caramel-vanilla tea.
With no additions, the tea was sweet and smooth. With cream I would be satisfied but I couldn’t resist adding sweetening, drinking my tea the way most people would drink a flavored tea.
My easily suggestive mind began imagining salted caramels…so I went to the kitchen and looked for the sea salt because I didn’t have any pretzels or chips. I tasted the salt and sipped the tea…thinking that I’d want this salty combination or some chocolate while kicking back watching a movie. Sweet caramel and salty or dark chocolate are favorites of mine.
I don’t believe a 4 minute steep is a good idea. Tone it down to 2 minutes! (I even made 12 oz of tea instead of 8 oz with that little packet Nina’s sent me.)
I always get two good steeps out of their samples! I can see it working with 12 oz tea because I am really getting 16 ounces out of mine, per teaspoon.
I always get two good steeps out of their samples! I can see it working with 12 oz tea because I am really getting 16 ounces out of mine, per teaspoon.
I could steep it again since I did a 2 minute which was plenty strong enough for me. Can’t imagine a 4 minute steep. Too strong! No wonder people keep saying this tea is astringent with that time and 8oz water…yikes!