Story more than review
Here’s my latest update on this amazing tea!
I brought some Earl of Anxi for my friends to taste after Church today, curious about how the Frankincense would be appreciated by a group of people who are familiar with the use and smell of this resin incense (although not in tea).
A few days ago I shared some with the guys who work at Happy Lucky’s Tea House and they loved it! We discovered that the incense resin really blooms beautifully at about the 3rd steeping.
Today, I set up my hot water kettle, small sipping cups and Gaiwan then waited for people (victims) to come by for a chat and tea.
One by one, I went through a round of steepings and then another…each time with great interest on the part of those sipping the tea and smelling the aroma with incense. Everyone loved the tea!
Finally, Fr. Evan came into the room…chatting with people and easing back towards me. (I know he saw my tea things, since we always have tea when we get together for our regular talks)
I steeped a last portion, steep #3, and poured tea into a tumbler. Then I handed the Gaiwan full of wet leaves to Fr. Evan and asked him to tell us what he smelled.
Everyone was watching…
“Hum, spinach…
….and something else…..Frankincense!”, he said with authority…not even doubtful for a minute.
He got it right! Wow! I know he’s a Greek Orthodox Priest but still, these were wet leaves and a mix you couldn’t look at and identify easily. Not bad!
I handed him the rest of my Verdant packet. Now I’m OUT! O U T!
More is on the way though. I knew I was going to need more. I gave some away to three people already so now I have to hoard more for my own enjoyment too.
Tea is my bridge to communicating with people face to face again. I’ve been scared, letting my disabilities hold me back. For the past two years I’ve avoided people other than going to my tea pub. This is my next step, sharing tea. Several people say they’d like to have tea with me at Happy Lucky’s. It’s time.
The reason I always write about my tea pub is 1. I like it and 2. I think people should look for one…really hunt them down around where they live. Or start something.
Such a nice story! I love that you set up a tea time after Church. A great opportunity for people to experience new tea, in a whole new way! :)
Good stories as always :) and same as Mrnixonpants the more i read your story the more i wish i had a Happy Lucky’s near where i live who know maybe starting one some day after a couple more year of practice with tea :P
Zoltar, I hope more people DO start places to share tea! Walking into a tea shop where tea is sold but you can’t sit and drink tea isn’t the same thing. Having knowledgeable, well paid servers who see their work as a career is key I think too.
I’m definitely going to try some sort of recipe with this tea! We should swap recipes when the experimenting is done, perhaps ;)
(if mine turns out that is – there’s always risk when it comes to experiments! That’s the fun!)
I’m not going to squeek any more details to you daisychubb…we should see what we come up with. I have 3 ideas now. All VERY different for the coming Holidays!!!!
Props to you Bonnie!
Thanks Azz
You are most welcome! The world deserves you! xox
Wish I was there and I wish I had somewhere like Happy Lucky’s!
The reason I always write about my tea pub is 1. I like it and 2. I think people should look for one…really hunt them down around where they live. Or start something.
Such a nice story! I love that you set up a tea time after Church. A great opportunity for people to experience new tea, in a whole new way! :)
I’m working on some recipe idea’s with this tea for the holidays…
Good stories as always :) and same as Mrnixonpants the more i read your story the more i wish i had a Happy Lucky’s near where i live who know maybe starting one some day after a couple more year of practice with tea :P
Zoltar, I hope more people DO start places to share tea! Walking into a tea shop where tea is sold but you can’t sit and drink tea isn’t the same thing. Having knowledgeable, well paid servers who see their work as a career is key I think too.
I’m definitely going to try some sort of recipe with this tea! We should swap recipes when the experimenting is done, perhaps ;)
(if mine turns out that is – there’s always risk when it comes to experiments! That’s the fun!)
I’m not going to squeek any more details to you daisychubb…we should see what we come up with. I have 3 ideas now. All VERY different for the coming Holidays!!!!
What a good idea! Okay, they shall be secret surprises :3