First Review. Thank you Emilie for this big sample of Gunpowder Tea! I’ve been off at St. Spyridons which had an added luncheon celebration after Liturgy for Greek Independance Day! A reminder that it’s time to sign up for the lamb on a spit dinner served on Pascha (Easter)! Double yum! Feasting after the Fasting! So, getting home later than usual in the afternoon, it was time to choose a tea to try out and I was tea thirsty! What to try?
Gunpower seemed like an interesting name for tea and I wanted to taste it to see if the name had anything to do with the taste. Smoke in those little green bullits? I set the water temp to 175 and steeped 3min. before pouring. The liquor is light canary yellow and smells a bit vegital, sour but not smoky. Took a sip. Medium light smoke, a little bitterness and a mildly salty finish. I’m not sure about how I like this. Looking up other reviews it seems that others enjoy 2nd or 3rd steepings more than the 1st so I’ll try that and see what unfolds.
2nd Steep Ok this is much better! Milder and no bitterness even after 4 min. steep.
Very low on the smokiness. I have to be honest in saying that unless you love really subtle tea this is NOT for you and it’s NOT for me I must say. Maybe if I was feeling poorly though. Color is good and taste not very complex. Bit of paper or cardboard finish. Oh and as for mint…well, I grow 6 kinds of mint and I do not think they add mint that can be detected! It’s hard to HIDE mint (if you know what I mean).