The first full cake of my very own that I’ve ever hacked away at! Twuwy a bwessed day.
From the leaves: scotch custard, bourbon vanilla, cedar. Pour smells of minerals, spring water, generic alcohol vapors, cucumber, wood essence… pretty light. Tastes watery, scotchy… vanilla extract and wood notes.
Cherry liqueur and wood perfume now on the leaves. Still smells and tastes surprisingly watery… alcohol and wood essence, yes, but dulled… it’s a little more rounded as it cools, but feel like i’m missing the “tea” component here.
Okay, the third steep is showing up more… more barrel, more astringency, more cooling. ACH, FIRST I DIDN’T UNDERSTAND QI AND NOW I CAN’T STOP IT, BLERRRRRRRGH.
No, but seriously. Feeling a little overwhelmed. I may need to limit myself to one sheng a day going forward. Also eating. I’ll come back to this one later. Later later.
Flavors: Alcohol, Astringent, Bourbon, Cedar, Cherry, Cucumber, Custard, Mineral, Scotch, Spring Water, Vanilla, Whiskey, Wood