Free Sample from Teavivre.
First steep I decided to drink instead of use as rinse – leathery, not fishy at all other than slightly very slightly in aroma and if you can get past that which I did easily it is quite rich and lovely!
Tastes of wood, sandalwood specifically come out.
Slightly perfume like flavor.
The following steeps still tasted dark, chocolate notes come out, the leather like flavors still present and I am feeling very relaxed!
Pu-erh is a very lovely special tea which I always throughly enjoy.
Thank you Teavivre for this sample!
Go for it! I would recommend a rinse – about 30 seconds or full steep time – dump then steep again. Now I did drink my “rinse” steep but I love Pu-erh and this was not my first time. I would only suggest this to mellow you into the idea of pu-erh but you CAN drink it by all means. I will say this is not my all time FAVORITE pu-erh but it is nice a good place to begin!
Thanks for the tips. I’m not as worried about the taste as much as whether any mold or yeast in the tea will give my allergy problems.
Thanks, Amy. I’ll get to it eventually. Think I will try Verdant’s Imperial Breakfast first-it has a little bit of Pu-erh in it.
I have this at home, but have been a little nervous about trying a Pu-erh.
Go for it! I would recommend a rinse – about 30 seconds or full steep time – dump then steep again. Now I did drink my “rinse” steep but I love Pu-erh and this was not my first time. I would only suggest this to mellow you into the idea of pu-erh but you CAN drink it by all means. I will say this is not my all time FAVORITE pu-erh but it is nice a good place to begin!
Thanks for the tips. I’m not as worried about the taste as much as whether any mold or yeast in the tea will give my allergy problems.
Scott – I have allergies too and have not had any problems with pu-erh that i know of…
Thanks, Amy. I’ll get to it eventually. Think I will try Verdant’s Imperial Breakfast first-it has a little bit of Pu-erh in it.
Ah yes sorry Scott that is a whole different animal!