I’m working on blog stuff woot! I’m moving Oolong Owl from wordpress.com (freebie blogging site) to my own website with tons more control, space and freedom.
I made a pot of this black, as it’s a pretty good black (in my limited experience in unflavored blacks) and I was expecting I’d need a boost in caffeine in case of explosions. There was a few explosions – pictures went missing, then lost posts. Then I got it all back. Then I discovered I need to download plugins because everything looks like crap. Then weeding through plugins that won’t work, are too crazy, or want money.
The NECL was good, crisp, earthy and got cold fast – I also mostly mindlessly sipped away all the tea while I worked.
More fun was my host providered called me to say hello and upsell crap. He asked, “so, what is your website?” I’m “Lots of tea. And crocheted owls trying to steal my tea.” Kind of blew his mind there.
edit: I think I drank too much (plus I don’t often drink this much black tea) I’m freaking jittering all over the place! OOOh yeah!
I’m cracking up picturing the host caller’s face! :-)