TYs out to Zen tea for a sample of this tea!
Blarg, I’ve been mostly drinking unflavored teas that can survive the “Dump into tea pot without strainer and sit there all day” treatment, as I want to pound out my writing for NaNoWriMo without having to stop and make tea and wait for it.
DRY: Smells like those really sweet red cherries in a jar. Maraschino cherries? DROOLDROOLDROOOOOL
STEEPED: Strong floral mixed with a zing of sweet cherry!
TASTE: Lots of flavor! Strong rosey floral taste that is very fresh tasting. Distinctive cherry taste, not very sweet as it smells. A little bit of bitterness, maybe from the floral. The green tea is in the background, and it’s smooth, bordering silky.
COMMENTS: If you do not like floral, stay clear of this one!
This tea is pretty strongly floral – the cherry is a nice flavor. I did not like the bitterness I got, but I think I will steep this at 175 next time, which I think will help. Overall, pretty nice – but I love floral teas.