Thanks to Kittena for a sample of this tea!
Relaxing this evening with some nintendo DS, Castlevania (order of ecclesia) and tea! Bleh, I’ll lift weights tomorrow! I thought I’d grab a DavidsTea out of my sample pile to switch it up a bit.
DRY: cute orange sprinkles and little black kitties! Makes me think of halloween!
STEEPED: very very weird steeping with my DT Steeper. It looks the typical brown tea. However, when I poured my tea into my cup, it became this weird foresty dark green… uhhh.. what happened? /brain explosion
TASTE: slight fruity tang and sugar sweet. Green rooibos mellow and nutty background. Very nice fruity after taste. Not bitter.
COMMENTS: Very very weird tea. I really like the after taste. Swampwater reminds me of almost bubblegum in a way. The fun factor in Swampwater is super cool, but I’m wanting something more stronger or brighter in taste.
However, I think this iced would be really good and bring out the fruityness.
My tea hating husband got a sip. He was confused about the colour and said it tasted like weird tea and thought it was bitter. (weird)
It is awesome iced.