Early grey is a classic for me. That Jean-Luc Picard classic cool.
I never seen my dad drink tea until Jean-Luc Picard did. Yeah…
I never had loose leaf Earl Grey before, and I purchased this about 2 years back with a big Adagio Tea order.
Smell wise, your typical Earl Grey tea – bergamonty orange and black tea. Very Yum.
Taste…. ugggg… tastes just like black tea with bitter aftertaste, didn’t taste like strong earl grey to me. Shaking the can of tea, I got only a few chunks of orange and barely any blue flowers. I’ve been trying to polish away at the tin, but I think I’m going to give up and give it away to my Dad. Maybe he won’t notice it’s kinda plain?
In effort to use more of it, I tried it as “Early Grey Shortbread” cookie recipe off a Foodtv website. UGGG! Was like ground up black tea chewy bits in cookie.
I felt pretty short-changed with this tea.