I has a happy! Tomorrow is a birthday in the family, so my son and his girlfriend, and my godson are all staying here for a few days. Today we had the birthday pizza, and my son told me to make some puer so he wouldn’t feel bad from all the fat!
His girlfriend, though she is Asian, doesn’t drink tea, but she told me she likes coffee. (Does that sound bad? I don’t mean it in a bad way, just surprised that so many of the Asian people I know are coffee drinkers, not tea drinkers, even though they cook primarily Asian food at home.) Today when I made this I offered her some but she said, “no, thanks!”. But I thought, hmmm, she likes coffee, so…I told her she might like this if she liked coffee. And guess what? She did! We have now had ten cups of puer, all made gong fu style. She really, really likes it. We had two different kinds and this was their favorite. They said the one from another company we tried was too weak for them.
I would never have guessed that these young college kids who totally nix tea would go for puer, but I am delighted!